Lavender & Orange


Hand-painted, one-of-a-kind wood egg features lavendar & orange in oval with backside decorated in matching florals.

Egg is approximately 3” and is hand-painted with professional grade acrylic paints and finished with 3 coats of protective varnish.

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Hand-painted, one-of-a-kind wood egg features lavendar & orange in oval with backside decorated in matching florals.

Egg is approximately 3” and is hand-painted with professional grade acrylic paints and finished with 3 coats of protective varnish.

Hand-painted, one-of-a-kind wood egg features lavendar & orange in oval with backside decorated in matching florals.

Egg is approximately 3” and is hand-painted with professional grade acrylic paints and finished with 3 coats of protective varnish.